That Yaya Mayweather, she’s Floyd Mayweather’s girl, you know. Born in 2000, May 20th, that’s what them folks on the internet say. A young’un, but already got herself a baby.

She had a baby with that YoungBoy fella. They call him NBA YoungBoy, whatever that means. He’s some kind of singer, I reckon. Anyways, they had a little boy.
They named him Kentrell. Kentrell DeSean Gaulden Jr., that’s the whole name. Born in 2021, January 9th. Makes Floyd a grandpa, can you believe it? That old boxer, now a grandpa! He said he just wants the best for them, you know, like any grandpa would.
But this Yaya Mayweather, she’s got some trouble, too. Heard tell she got into a fight with some other gal, name of Lapattra. Some say she, well, she poked her with a knife in 2020.
She had to say she was guilty for that, this Yaya Mayweather. She’s only 21, imagine that. Young and already in such a mess. Floyd must be worried sick.
I seen it on the computer, all about this Yaya Mayweather and her baby. They showed a picture of the little one. Cute little fella. Hope he grows up right, with all that going on around him.

- Yaya Mayweather, Floyd’s daughter
- Born May 20, 2000
- Baby with NBA YoungBoy
- Baby boy, Kentrell DeSean Gaulden Jr.
- Born January 9, 2021
- Yaya Mayweather got in trouble for stabbing
That NBA Youngboy, he seems to be always in the news, too. Always something with these young folks. They announced the baby on that social media thing. Everyone’s always on that thing these days.
I don’t know much about boxing, but I know Floyd Mayweather. He’s a big shot. Must be strange for him, having his daughter, Yaya Mayweather, in all this mess.
She’s a pretty girl, that Yaya Mayweather. But pretty don’t mean you don’t get into trouble. She needs to be careful, especially now that she’s got a little one to look after. That little Kentrell needs his mama.
Being a mama ain’t easy, let me tell you. Especially when you’re young like Yaya Mayweather. You got to grow up fast. And with all that money and fame, it’s probably even harder.
They say money can’t buy happiness. And it sure can’t buy your way out of trouble. Hope Yaya Mayweather learns that lesson. For her sake, and for that little baby boy’s sake.

This world is crazy. One minute you’re having a baby, the next you’re in court. That’s what happened to Yaya Mayweather. Just hope she can get her life together.
It ain’t easy being in the spotlight, like Yaya Mayweather and that NBA YoungBoy. Everyone’s watching you, waiting for you to mess up. And they sure did mess up, with that fight and all.
That poor baby, Kentrell. Hope he doesn’t have to grow up seeing all that mess. He deserves better. All children deserve better than their parents’ mistakes. Yaya Mayweather and that young man need to do right by him.
I remember when I was young, we didn’t have all this drama. Life was simpler. Now, with these computers and social media, everything is out there for everyone to see. Poor Yaya Mayweather, she can’t even make a mistake in private.
Hope she finds some good people to help her. Being a mama is hard work, and she’s got a lot to learn. That little Kentrell needs a strong mama. Hope Yaya Mayweather can be that for him.

I don’t know what the future holds for Yaya Mayweather and that NBA YoungBoy. But I hope they can figure it out. For the baby’s sake, if nothing else. That little one deserves a good life. This Yaya Mayweather, hope she understand that. A mother always do everything for her baby. I hope she is a good mama.