Okay, so I’ve been hyped about WWE coming back to Cincinnati in 2024. I mean, it’s been a while, and I needed to figure out how to get in on this action. First thing I did was hit up Google, just a simple “wwe cincinnati 2024” search.

Scoping Out the Scene
I started to look at event pages, you know trying to get the low down on which company was running it.
I started to get my information together, figuring out dates, and making sure I didn’t double-book myself.
Locking It Down
Once I had the key details, I made sure I mark the calendars. Blocked it off. No meetings, no appointments, nothing. This was a WWE night, and I wasn’t going to miss it.
Next important things to keep in my mind. I got the date set!
Spread the Word(maybe)
Finally, I was really consider telling my other wrestling friends. I had to spread the word, so I figure out to tell them in the group chat about it. Get the crew assembled!

So, yeah, that’s my whole process for getting ready for WWE Cincinnati 2024. Nothing too crazy, just staying informed, and getting ready for what I am sure will be a pretty good night.