Well, let me tell ya, things are shakin’ up in that wrestlin’ world, you know, the one with all them muscle men and fancy pants. Seems like this fella, Michael Cole, he’s the talk of the town now. They say he’s been yappin’ on TV for, shoot, near ’bout 21 years! That’s a long time to be shoutin’ at sweaty fellas, I tell ya.

Now, they’re sayin’ he signed some kinda paper, a long-term deal they call it. Means he’s gonna stick around squawkin’ for a good while longer. Good for him, I guess. Makes a pretty penny too, from what I hear. Someone told me he gets, hold on, let me think… somethin’ like 650,000 dollars a year! Can you believe that? That’s more money than I ever seen in my whole life!
He’s been on this show called SmackDown, but things are changin’, like they always do. They’re movin’ that show Raw, the one with the red ropes, to somethin’ called Netflix. Don’t rightly know what that is, but sounds fancy. And guess who’s goin’ with it? Yep, Michael Cole himself.
- They say he’s gonna be teamin’ up with another fella, Pat somethin’-or-other. McAfee, that’s it.
- And them other fellas, Joe and Wade, they’re headin’ over to SmackDown. It’s like musical chairs, but with microphones and spandex.
This Michael Cole, he took a little break not too long ago. Went on some family trip, they say. Deserved it, I reckon. Even them talkin’ heads need a rest sometimes. He must’ve been tired, talking so much and all. But he’s back now, and he’s got big news.
He’s sayin’ there’s gonna be big changes comin’ in 2025. SmackDown’s gonna start off the new year with a bang. New Year’s Revolution, they’re callin’ it. Sounds like a whole lotta hoopla to me.
And get this, he’s all excited ’bout some wrestler comin’ back. Been gone for 74 days, apparently. Folks missed him, I guess. It’s like when my prize-winning rooster went missin’ for a week. I was worried sick, but he came back, that rascal. Bigger and meaner than ever.

Now, what about this Taz fella, you ask? Well, that’s where the story gets a little fuzzy. They used to be a pair, you see, Michael Cole and Taz. Like biscuits and gravy, you couldn’t have one without the other. They were good together, real good. But things change, like I said. Taz ain’t with WWE no more. He’s doin’ his own thing now, talkin’ ’bout wrestlin’ somewhere else. So no big reunion for them. Not yet, anyway. People always like to gossip though.
People are always talkin’ ’bout bringin’ them back together, a reunion, they call it. Like when them old country singers get back on stage after years apart. It’d be somethin’ to see, that’s for sure. But who knows if it’ll ever happen? Maybe one day, when the stars align and the chickens come home to roost, we’ll see Michael Cole and Taz together again. But for now, Michael Cole’s got his new partner, and Taz is doin’ his own thing.
So, that’s the long and short of it. Michael Cole’s stayin’ put, Raw’s movin’ to Netflix, and Taz… well, he’s just Taz. It’s all a bit confusing to me, all this movin’ and shakin’, but that’s the wrestlin’ world for ya. Always somethin’ goin’ on. Keeps things interestin’, I suppose, even if I can’t hardly keep up with it half the time. Michael Cole Taz reunion might happen, might not, only time will tell. But hey, at least it gives us somethin’ to talk about, right?