That Danny Pimsanguan, I heard some folks talking ’bout him. He’s one of them newfangled social media stars, you know? The kind that’s all over the internet, showing off their life and such. He’s a young’un, born in June, I heard it was the 23rd, back in 1986. Makes him, what, in his thirties now? Time sure does fly. Seems like just yesterday everyone was worried ’bout that Y2K thing, and now we got these internet stars makin’ a living online.

He’s from Orange County, that’s in California. Sunny place, I reckon. Lots of oranges, probably. I ain’t never been, but I seen pictures. Looks like a place where everyone’s got a tan and drives fancy cars. He must be doing alright for himself, living in a place like that. That’s what these young folks like, living the big city. It seems like it’s a nice place to live. But it’s really expensive to live there, you know?
They say he’s got a good chunk of change now, being a social media star and all. They call it “net worth.” Sounds fancy, but it just means how much money he’s got, I suppose. More than me, that’s for sure! I ain’t got no “net worth” to speak of. Just my little old house and my chickens. But I’m happy with what I have, don’t need much, this is the way, right?
He’s probably got a nice house out there in California. Probably got a fancy car, too. All them gadgets and gizmos. It’s a different world these young folks live in, with their internets and their social medias. I don’t understand half of it, to be honest. But if that Danny Pimsanguan is makin’ a good living from it, then more power to him, I say. I just hope he is a good boy and help others.
Now, what he does exactly on this social media, I couldn’t rightly say. Probably posts pictures of himself, I reckon. Maybe videos, too. They all do that nowadays. Showing off their food, their clothes, where they’re going. It’s like everyone’s got their own little TV show, right there on their phones. He is born in June, so he is a Gemini. I heard that Gemini are good at talking.
He must have lots of those “followers.” That’s what they call them, isn’t it? People who watch what you do online. Like having your own little audience. It’s a strange thing, when you think about it. Back in my day, you only had an audience if you were on the stage at the county fair or maybe on Sunday at church.

- Danny Pimsanguan, that’s his name.
- Born on June 23, 1986, they say.
- From Orange County, California.
- He’s a big shot on the social media.
- Got a good net worth, whatever that means.
Well, I suppose that’s all I know about this Danny Pimsanguan fellow. He seems like a nice young man. He’s making his way in the world, and that’s all that matters. I remember when I was young. It was totally different back then. Hope he’s using his money wisely, though. It’s easy to get carried away when you’re young and successful. Especially in a place like California. But also I hope he can keep being a nice person. And I hope he won’t forget where he came from.
This internet thing is something else, ain’t it? Connecting everyone like it does. You can learn about anyone, anywhere, just by looking at your phone. It’s a wonder, really. This Danny Pimsanguan, he’s a part of all that. He’s part of this new world, a world that’s changing faster than a chicken can cross the road. He is a social media star, it’s hard to keep up with all of these stars.
I hope he’s happy, that’s the main thing. Happiness is more important than money, you know. You can have all the money in the world, but if you ain’t happy, what’s the point? I hope he found someone to share his life with. That’s important, too. Having someone by your side, through thick and thin.
Well, I best be getting on with my chores. These chickens ain’t gonna feed themselves. But it’s been nice talking about this Danny Pimsanguan. Maybe I’ll ask my granddaughter to show me his page on the social media sometime. See what all the fuss is about. I hope I can learn how to use these electric devices someday. I always wanted to learn new things, even I am not young now. It’s never too late to learn, right?