Alright, let’s gab a bit about these boxing refs, the fellas in the ring who ain’t punchin’ but still makin’ a buck. You know, the ones who make sure them boxers don’t go too wild.

So, I hear you askin’, who’s gettin’ paid the most? Well, they say it’s this fella, Kenny Bayless. Yep, that’s the name. They reckon he’s the top dog, makin’ the most money outta all them refs. Now, how much exactly? That’s where it gets a bit fuzzy.
- Some folks say he made around $300,000 in 2022. That’s a whole lotta dough, ain’t it? More money than most folks see in a lifetime, I reckon.
- But then you hear other numbers too. Some say refs get paid by the hour, like $20.93 an hour. That don’t sound like much, does it? But I guess it adds up.
- And then for them big fights, the ones everyone watches, well, that’s where the real money is. I heard they can make $10,000 to $25,000 a fight, sometimes even more! Imagine gettin’ paid that much just to watch a fight and wave your arms around! Crazy, I tell ya.
Now, I ain’t no expert, but I figure the bigger the fight, the more the ref gets paid. You know, like them fights with fellas like Floyd Mayweather and Tyson Fury. Those guys make a mountain of money, so I guess there’s enough to go around for the ref too. They say Mayweather made a billion dollars from boxin’! A billion! Can you even imagine that much money? I sure can’t.
But it ain’t all roses and sunshine for these refs, you know. I heard some of them boxers, they barely make enough to get by. Got second jobs and everything. Makes you think, don’t it? All that punchin’ and sweatin’ and sometimes you ain’t even got enough to put food on the table.
Anyways, back to them refs. So, Bayless is the big shot, but there’s other fellas makin’ good money too. They talk about this fella Dean, yeah, just Dean, no first name or nothin’. They say he gets around $2,500 for a regular fight, but for them big ones, he’s gettin’ $10,000 to $15,000. Not bad, huh? Not bad at all.
And then there’s the average ref. You know, the ones who ain’t famous but still gotta put in the work. They say these fellas make somethin’ like $40,020 to $330,339 a year, with the average bein’ around $80,000. That’s a decent livin’, I guess. Better than scratchin’ in the dirt, that’s for sure.

So, there you have it. Kenny Bayless is the name you hear the most when it comes to highest-paid boxing refs. But there’s a whole bunch of ’em out there, makin’ a livin’ watchin’ other fellas beat each other up. It ain’t a bad gig, I reckon, if you can stomach the punches and don’t mind gettin’ yelled at by them crazy cornermen. But one thing’s for sure, them refs are an important part of the whole shebang, makin’ sure things stay fair and square in that ring.
And let me tell ya, keepin’ them boxers in line ain’t no easy job. They’re like a couple of roosters in a pen, always lookin’ to go at it. So, next time you watch a fight, don’t just focus on the punchin’. Take a look at that ref too. He’s earnin’ his keep, that’s for sure. Whether it’s a measly twenty bucks an hour or a whopping thirty thousand for a big fight, he’s out there doin’ his job and getting paid, one way or the other.
And that’s all I gotta say about that.
Tags: [Boxing, Referee, Kenny Bayless, Salary, Highest Paid, Boxing Referees, Fight, Earnings, Mayweather, Dean]