Got this idea a while back, wanted to buy a Chanel tennis purse. Don’t even know if they really sell this, but just got this sudden urge. So, I started digging around online to see if this thing even exists.
First thing I did was hit up eBay. Man, there’s so much stuff on there! Over 90% of it is brand new, and they’ve got all the big brands. It says “Great Prices On Millions Of Items. Get It On eBay.” Sounds promising, right? But honestly, I’m not really into buying stuff online, especially not something like a Chanel bag. The brand is all about being exclusive and luxurious, so it feels weird to shop for it online.
Then I found this blog called “Maison Vivienne” that had an expert guide on how to authenticate a Chanel bag. Thought it might be helpful. Also came across another article with tips on buying authentic vintage Chanel bags and how to spot fakes. Seems like a good thing to know, especially since I’m not an expert on this.
I learned that since 2021, Chanel bags have these microchips in them with all the authenticating details. Makes it harder for people to make counterfeits. You can take your bag to a Chanel store to scan the microchip, which is a good way to check if it’s real. The guide also said Chanel minis are super popular but really hard to get.
After all this online searching, I decided to just go to a Chanel store in person. Figured that’s the best way to check if they have this tennis purse and to make sure I’m getting the real deal.
Here’s how it went down at the store:
- Walked in, and it was all fancy like you’d expect.
- Asked the sales associate about the tennis purse.
- They looked a bit confused at first, then they realized what I was talking about.
- Turns out, they do have it! It’s not called a “tennis purse,” but they knew what I meant.
- They showed me the bag, and it was gorgeous. Just what I imagined.
- I asked them to scan the microchip to make sure it was authentic.
- They did, and it checked out. It’s the real deal!
- Ended up buying the bag. It was pricey, but totally worth it for this iconic piece.
So yeah, that’s my little adventure of getting a Chanel tennis purse. Started with some online research, learned a bit about authenticating these bags, and then just went to the store to get it done. It was a fun experience, and now I’ve got this beautiful Chanel bag. Pretty happy with how it all turned out!