Okay, so I spent some time today digging into that English golfer, Nick. You know the one, Faldo. Sir Nick Faldo. He popped into my head earlier, can’t remember why exactly, maybe saw an old tournament clip or something.

Getting Started
Anyway, I decided to make it my focus for today’s little practice session, or rather, the prep for it. First thing I did was just sit down with my tablet. Typed his name into the search bar. Loads of stuff came up, obviously. Old wins, interviews, swing analysis bits.
I wasn’t looking for anything too technical, mind you. Just wanted to get a feel for how he approached the game, especially his setup and that famous rhythm he had. Spent a good while just watching videos. Mostly from his peak years, late 80s, early 90s. Man, his consistency was something else. Looked like he barely ever missed a fairway.
Focusing In
What really stood out to me today was his pre-shot routine. It looked so deliberate, almost mechanical, but in a good way. Same steps, every single time. Stance, waggle, look, go. There was a real sense of purpose there.
- Checked his alignment meticulously.
- The little forward press he sometimes did.
- How long he stood over the ball.
Compared to my usual quick setup, it felt worlds apart. I tend to just step up and hit it, especially on the range. Maybe that’s something I could work on.
Trying It Out (Sort Of)
Didn’t get to the course today, but I did head out to the garden with a wedge for a bit. Just tried to mimic that deliberate setup I saw in the videos. Slowed everything right down.

Felt weird, honestly. Very unnatural at first. Kept wanting to rush it. Took a bunch of practice swings just focusing on replicating the steps: pick the target, visualize the shot, step in, align the clubface, set the feet, little waggle, look, and swing. Even without hitting a ball properly, just going through the motions felt different. Slower. More controlled, maybe?
Thoughts After
So, yeah. Didn’t magically get Faldo’s swing or anything. But it was a useful exercise. Made me think about my own routine, or lack thereof. Just slowing down and being more intentional before I even swing the club might actually help.
It’s funny how you watch these top players and think it’s all about the swing itself, but so much of it seems to be the stuff that happens before the swing even starts. Definitely something I’m going to try and incorporate more deliberately next time I’m actually hitting balls at the range or playing a round. Just focus on that routine. See what happens.