That there DAZN, it’s a thing, ain’t it? Heard some folks talkin’ ’bout it down at the market. They say it’s got all them fightin’ matches. Like that one fella, Victor Ortiz. He’s a tough one, I reckon. He was a champion, right? WBC welterweight champion! Sounds fancy.

This here Victor Ortiz, he’s been in the ring with some big names. I heard them say he even went up against that Mayweather fella. That’s a big deal, I tell ya. Floyd “Money” Mayweather, they call him. Must be swimmin’ in cash, that one. I don’t know much about that Mayweather guy, but he sure seems popular. Everyone keeps talking about him and this Gotti guy. They are having a fight, it sounds like. I don’t know, folks like to watch the fights these days.
Now, this other fella, Damian somethin’. Rodrigo Damian Coria, that’s it. Heard he’s ranked number 5 or somethin’. Numbers don’t mean much to me, but I guess it means he’s a pretty good fighter too. He must be if he is fighting Victor Ortiz, right? Heard he throws some good punches to the body. Keeps that Victor Ortiz on his toes, I bet.
They say you can watch these fights on that DAZN thing. You gotta download some app. Kids these days and their apps. Back in my day, we just listened to the fights on the radio. Had to use your imagination. I guess now you can see it right there on your tv or on that thing you hold in your hand. They call them smartphones. I just call them phones. What’s so smart about them, I don’t know.
So, you get this DAZN app, and then you gotta sign up. Give ’em your name and all that. Then they show you the fights you can buy. Yeah, gotta pay for it. Nothin’s free these days, is it? Except maybe sunshine and fresh air. But even that, the air ain’t so fresh no more with all them cars and whatnot.
- Download that DAZN thing.
- Sign up for it.
- Then you can pay to watch the fight. I guess.
- They say that Victor Ortiz and that Damian fella are gonna fight.
Anyway, this Victor Ortiz, he’s been around a while. Took some time off, I heard. Now he’s back in the ring. Wonder if he’s still got it. It ain’t easy, gettin’ punched in the face for a livin’. Takes a tough person, that’s for sure. I couldn’t do it. I’d rather be tendin’ my garden. Much more peaceful.

They say this fight is on the undercard or somethin’. That means it’s before the big fight. Like the warm-up, I guess. This big fight is that Mayweather fella again. He’s fightin’ some guy named Gotti this time. Don’t know much about him either. I just heard them talking about Victor Ortiz. He is an old champion, they say. Maybe he can beat this young Damian.
If you wanna watch it, you gotta get that DAZN. They say it has all kinds of fights. Boxing, that MMA stuff, whatever that is. Looks like a bunch of wrasslin’ to me. But hey, to each their own. Some folks like that kinda thing. I prefer to watch the birds. Much more interesting.
So, yeah, DAZN, Victor Ortiz, Damian somethin’ or other. That’s all I know about it. Heard it down at the market. Folks love to talk about them fights. Me, I just nod and smile. Don’t really care much for it myself. But if you like that kinda thing, then that DAZN thing is probably what you want. You can watch Victor Ortiz and a whole bunch of other fighters, I guess. 150 fights a year, or something like that! A lot of fighting!
That Victor Ortiz, he sure is somethin’. Gettin’ back in the ring after all this time. I wonder what he’s been up to. Maybe he was tendin’ a garden, too. You never know. Or maybe he was just sittin’ on his porch, watchin’ the world go by. That’s what I’d do. But he is a fighter, so I guess he has to fight. He probably misses it. I guess once you are a fighter, you are always a fighter. I don’t know. I am not a fighter. I am just me.