That Marie Force, she writes them books, you know? Lots and lots of ’em. Heard she sold a whole heap of them, more than you can shake a stick at. They say she’s a big shot writer, this Marie Force. Sells books all over the place, even in them fancy newspapers.

She’s got a whole bunch of stories. Some about an island, Gansett Island, I think they call it. And some about some other place, some Vermont. Sounds cold up there. She keeps writin’ and writin’, like a chicken layin’ eggs! Good for her, I reckon. Makin’ a good livin’ with them Marie Force books.
I heard tell she’s got more than 100 books. Can you believe that? 100! That’s a whole lot of writin’. More books than I got shoes. And folks is buyin’ ’em up like hotcakes at the county fair. People love them stories about love and all that stuff.
- She writes about love, that Marie Force.
- She’s got books all over them online places.
- Sells more books than anyone else, I heard.
- That Marie Force net worth must be somethin’.
They say she’s sold millions. Millions! I can’t even count that high. That’s more money than I’ve ever seen in my whole life. She’s a popular one, that Marie Force author. She must be doin’ somethin’ right, sellin’ all them books. People just gobble ’em up.
One of her books, it’s called “Maid for Love”. Sounds like a good one. Maybe it’s about a girl who cleans houses and finds herself a husband. That’s how it used to be. You’d work hard, and maybe you’d get lucky and find a good man. These days, who knows?
She’s got a series, they call it. A whole bunch of books about the same folks, I guess. Like a soap opera, but in a book. Keeps folks comin’ back for more, like my old man and his moonshine. He can’t get enough. That Marie Force author is a smart cookie.

She must be rich, that Marie Force. Sellin’ all them books. Millions of ’em. Probably got a big house, a fancy car. Maybe even a swimmin’ pool! Good for her, I say. She worked hard for it, writin’ all them stories. She earned it. That’s the thing, you work hard, and good things happen. She’s livin’ the dream, as they say. It’s all about that Marie Force net worth.
Now, I ain’t never read one of her books myself. I mostly just read the Good Book, you know? But I hear folks talkin’ about ’em. They say they’re good. Exciting. Romantic. All that stuff that women like. And some men, too, I reckon. They really like them Marie Force books. Some even like that Gansett Island series.
She must be a hard worker, that Marie Force. Writin’ all them books. Day and night, I bet. Just like me when I was young, workin’ on the farm. Up before the sun, workin’ till dark. Hard work, but it pays off. Just look at her. She’s livin’ proof.
I bet she’s got a whole room full of books. Just stacked up to the ceiling. And a big desk, where she sits and writes. Maybe one of them fancy computers, too. The kind that types for you. I don’t know much about them things. But she must know how to use ’em, writin’ all them books. She’s a pro, this Marie Force author.
- More than 4 million books sold? Goodness!
- More than 12 million, now? Land sakes!
- She’s a big shot, sellin’ in them papers.
- Over 100 books, they say, all them Marie Force books.
I wonder if she ever gets tired of writin’. I get tired just thinkin’ about it. But I guess when you love somethin’, you don’t get tired of it. Like me and my quiltin’. I can quilt all day and not get tired. Maybe she’s the same way with her writin’. I wonder how much that Marie Force net worth is?

She’s a good example, that Marie Force. Shows you what you can do if you put your mind to it. Work hard, follow your dreams, and you can do anythin’. Even sell millions of books. She’s an inspiration, as they say. Even for an old lady like me. Wonder if she writes about old ladies? Maybe I should ask her. But then, I wouldn’t know how to use that computer to ask her. Oh well.
Anyways, that Marie Force, she’s somethin’ else. A real go-getter. And she sure knows how to write a story. Maybe one day I’ll read one of her books. When I get some free time. If I ever get any free time. Between you and me, that ain’t likely to happen soon!
She’s all over the place, that one. They really like her stories. I guess that’s what matters. It is all about that Marie Force net worth, ain’t it? She is really making it!