Okay, so I saw this “thug rose with hair” thing trending, and I was like, “What the heck is that?” I had to try it. It looked kinda cool, kinda weird, and I’m all about that.
First, I googled some images to get an idea. I needed to find a good rose picture, you know, one that wasn’t too complicated because, let’s be real, I’m not an artist. Just a regular dude with some free time.
Then came the “hair” part. That was the tricky bit. I was thinking, “Do I draw this? Do I use, like, actual hair?” Don’t judge, I was brainstorming here!
I decided to digitally put it together.
The Hard Part(adding hair).
I’ve found some pictures on the * I used my editing app(the free one, nothing fancy).
- I uploaded the rose picture first. Got that set as my base.
- Then, I found a picture of some hair,I cut and adjust these hair pictures into that rose *’s a little bit tricky.
- I used it, erasing bits here and there to make it look like it was actually, you know, part of the rose.
I am not a pro editor,and it takes time to blend these pictures well.
It took a few tries, ngl. The first couple of attempts? Disaster. Looked like a rose wearing a bad wig. But, I kept at it, messing with the opacity, the blending modes, all that jazz.
Finally, after like, an hour of fiddling, I got something that looked… kinda decent! It wasn’t perfect, not gonna win any awards, but it definitely looked like a “thug rose with hair.” Mission accomplished, I guess?
Would I do it again? Probably not. Was it a fun little experiment? Totally. And hey, now I can say I’ve created a “thug rose with hair.” Nobody can take that away from me.