Answer to “___ the belt (unfair)” NYT Mini Crossword

Well, well, well, it looks like you’ve got yourself a bit of a tricky crossword puzzle, huh? Don’t worry though, I’ll give you a hand. You’re probably staring at that clue, “___ the belt (unfair),” and wondering what on earth the answer could be. It ain’t as complicated as it seems. The answer you’re looking for is BELOW.
This clue comes from the New York Times Mini Crossword, and if you’ve been doing these puzzles for a while, you know they can be short, sweet, and sometimes a little tricky. But once you get the hang of it, you’ll be solving them like a pro. And if you’ve seen the clue before, maybe in the November 30, 2023 edition, then you’re right on track. The answer to “___ the belt (unfair)” is indeed BELOW.
Now, let’s talk a little bit about the phrase itself—“below the belt.” It’s something we all hear from time to time, especially when someone does something a little too harsh or low. When people say something’s “below the belt,” they mean it’s an unfair blow, like hitting someone where they least expect it. So, it makes sense that the answer would be BELOW, right?
These crossword puzzles can be a real headache, especially when they give you a clue like that one. But once you get the answer, it all makes sense. And sometimes you just need a little help to figure it out. No shame in that!
If you ever run into other crossword clues that leave you scratching your head, don’t hesitate to look for the answers online. It’s okay to get a little help now and then. Just like in life—sometimes you need a hand, and that’s alright. Keep at it, and soon enough, you’ll be filling out those grids like it’s second nature.

So, next time you’re doing your NYT Mini Crossword, and you come across a clue like “___ the belt (unfair),” you’ll know exactly what to do: fill in BELOW. That’s it, plain and simple. And don’t forget—crossword puzzles are meant to be fun, not frustrating. Keep enjoying them!
Tags: [NYT Mini Crossword, Below The Belt, Crossword Clue, Unfair, NYT Crossword]