Well, let me tell ya ’bout this Tank vs Shakur thing, or whatever they call it. I ain’t no expert, ya know, just watchin’ the TV when the young’uns ain’t hoggin’ it. So, this Tank fella, they say he’s a real puncher. Like, BAM! Knocks folks out, see? Heard he just beat up some fella named Martin, knocked him right out in the eighth round. Eighth round, that’s a long time to be beatin’ on someone, if ya ask me.

They say Tank’s got a big record, somethin’ like 30 wins and no losses. And almost all of ’em knockouts! That’s a lot of folks lyin’ on the ground, countin’ stars. He’s got this WBA lightweight title thingy too. Sounds fancy, huh? Probably a big shiny belt, like them wrestlers wear.
- Tank’s a puncher, real strong.
- He wins a lot, hardly ever loses.
- Got a shiny belt, calls it a title.
Now, this Shakur fella, I ain’t heard much about him. But folks are talkin’, sayin’ he’s slick, moves around a lot. You know, like a chicken tryin’ to avoid gettin’ caught. They say he’s good at dodgin’ punches, not gettin’ hit much. That’s smart, I guess. Ain’t no point in gettin’ your head beat in if ya can help it. But can he punch hard? That’s the real question, ain’t it? All that dancin’ around don’t mean nothin’ if ya can’t knock a fella down.
So, if these two fellas fight, it’ll be like this: Tank tryin’ to land that big punch, and Shakur tryin’ to stay outta the way. Kinda like a cat chasin’ a mouse, if ya think about it. It’d be excitin’, I reckon. People like seein’ knockouts, that’s for sure. Nobody wants to watch two fellas huggin’ each other for twelve rounds.
Who’s gonna win? I dunno. It’s like this, Tank’s got the power, but Shakur’s got the moves. It all depends on who can do their thing better, I guess. If Tank can catch Shakur, it’s lights out. But if Shakur can keep movin’ and maybe land a few punches of his own, he might just win. It’s a real toss-up, they say. Means it could go either way, see? Like plantin’ seeds, sometimes they grow, sometimes they don’t.
This fight, if it happens, it’ll be a big deal. Folks will be talkin’ about it for weeks, maybe months. They’ll be gatherin’ ’round the TV, just like they do for them Super Bowl games. And, boy, they’ll make a lotta money, them promoters. Always doin’ that, makin’ money off other folks beatin’ each other up. It’s a funny ol’ world, ain’t it?
I heard some talk about another fella, Teofimo Lopez. They say he’s good too. Two-division champ, whatever that means. Sounds like he’s got a lot of belts. Maybe he’ll wanna fight the winner of this Tank and Shakur thing. More fights, more money, that’s how it goes. It never ends, does it? Always someone else to fight, someone else to beat.
I tell ya, boxing is a tough business. These fellas puttin’ their bodies on the line, gettin’ punched in the head. It ain’t no joke. They gotta train hard, eat right, and stay outta trouble. And for what? A shiny belt and some money. Seems kinda crazy when ya think about it. But, hey, it’s their life, ain’t it? They chose it, and good for ’em if they can make a livin’ doin’ it.
Anyways, that’s what I know about this Tank versus Shakur business. Not much, I admit, but enough to make me wanna watch the fight if it happens. I’ll be rootin’ for…well, I ain’t sure yet. Maybe the fella who punches the hardest. That’s always fun to watch. Or maybe the fella who dances around like a chicken. That could be fun too. We’ll just have to wait and see, I guess.
And another thing, all that talkin’ and trash talkin’ they do? Tank said some things, I heard. But it don’t matter much, does it? Like he said, “that shit don’t win in boxing.” It’s the punches that count, not the words. You can talk all you want, but you gotta back it up in the ring. That’s the truth of it, plain and simple.
So, there ya have it. My two cents on this whole thing. It ain’t much, but it’s honest. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go make some supper. This talkin’ about fightin’ has made me hungry.

Tags: Tank Davis, Shakur Stevenson, Boxing, Lightweight, WBA, Knockout, Fight, Prediction, Teofimo Lopez