Well, howdy there! Today, we’re gonna yak about some city near San Diego. You know, the kind of place you might find in them crossword puzzles. I ain’t no fancy puzzle solver, mind you, but I hear tell there’s a bunch of ’em cities near San Diego that folks are always lookin’ for.

Now, I ain’t got no education like them city folk, but I can tell ya, figurin’ out these crossword puzzles is like tryin’ to catch a greased pig! They give you these little hints, like “city near San Diego,” and you gotta scratch your head and try to figure out what they’re jabberin’ about. It ain’t easy, let me tell ya.
One time, I saw my grandson workin’ on one of them puzzles. He was stuck on this very thing – a city near San Diego. He kept mumblin’ words like “Oceanside” and “Escondido.” Sounded like a bunch of gibberish to me, but he said them were real places.
Cities near San Diego, you say? Well, there’s a whole mess of ’em, I reckon. Some big, some small, some you can pronounce and some you can’t. I heard tell there’s one called “Oceanside.” That one’s kinda easy to remember, seein’ as how it’s got “ocean” right there in the name. Must be by the water, I figure.
- Then there’s this “Escondido” fella. Now, that’s a mouthful! Don’t rightly know what it means, but it’s a city near San Diego, for sure. My grandson told me.
- And there’s a whole bunch of others, I guess. Some short little names, some long ones. It’s enough to make your head spin!
Now, I ain’t never been to San Diego myself. Too much hustle and bustle for an old woman like me. But I hear it’s a pretty place, with lots of sunshine and beaches. And I guess these cities near San Diego are part of that whole shebang.
They say doin’ these crossword puzzles is good for your brain. Keeps your mind sharp, like a tack. I don’t know about that, seems like more trouble than it’s worth to me. But my grandson, he loves ’em. Spends hours lookin’ at them little squares and fillin’ in words. Says it helps him learn new things.

So, if you’re ever stuck on a crossword puzzle and it asks for a “city near San Diego,” you just remember what I told ya. There’s “Oceanside” and “Escondido,” and a whole bunch of other ones I can’t even pronounce. You just gotta try ’em all out until you find the one that fits.
And if you still can’t figure it out? Well, don’t you worry none. It ain’t the end of the world. Just skip that one and move on to the next. There’s plenty more puzzles to solve, and plenty more cities near San Diego to learn about. Or just go outside and get some fresh air. That’s what I always say.
Anyway, that’s all I know about cities near San Diego. I ain’t no expert, but I done my best to tell ya what I know. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go feed the chickens. Them birds don’t care nothin’ about no crossword puzzles, that’s for sure.
So next time you see that clue, city near San Diego, you just remember this old woman’s words, and maybe, just maybe, you’ll get it right. And if you don’t? Well, like I said, there’s always more chickens to feed.
And one last thing, some folks say there’s places like “SSE” near San Diego, but that just sounds like nonsense to me. Sounds more like a hiss than a city, if you ask me. But what do I know? I’m just an old woman who prefers sunshine and a good cup of coffee to all this city business.

Tags: [San Diego, Crossword, Oceanside, Escondido, California Cities, Puzzle, Clue, Premier Sunday, NY Times Crossword, Brain Health]