Okay, so I’ve been seeing a lot of buzz about Michelle Lee and her golf swing lately. I figured, why not give it a shot myself? I mean, I’m no pro, but I like to hit the driving range every now and then. So, today was the day I decided to try and, you know, emulate her style.
Getting Started
First things first, I needed to actually see what I was doing. So I grabbed my phone and find some videos of her, watching them a few times. Just casual watches at first, to get a general feel.
I did find her stance and how smooth her backswing is. I’ve always been kinda jerky, so that’s what I really wanted to focus on.
Hitting the Range (and Missing a Lot)
Off to the driving range I went! I got a bucket of balls and started warming up with my usual, probably-terrible technique. A few stretches, a couple of practice swings… you know, the usual.
Then came the “Michelle Lee” part. I tried to mimic her stance. I kept my knees are slightly bent, my back is straight(ish), and my arms is hang naturally. Felt a little weird, to be honest, not my usual posture.
- First Swing: Whiff! Complete miss. Okay, maybe I was overthinking it.
- Second Swing: Topped it. The ball dribbled like, five feet. Embarrassing.
- Third Swing: Finally made contact! But it sliced way right. Like, way right. Into the next stall territory. Oops.
Adjusting and (Slightly) Improving
I kept at it, though. I watched the videos again in between swings, focusing on the details, I played them very slowly. Trying to get the feel of the backswing right, that smooth, controlled motion. It’s harder than it looks, let me tell you!

Slowly, I started to see some improvement. I wasn’t hitting them perfectly straight, but they were going further, and the slice was getting less dramatic. I even managed a few that felt pretty good, a nice, solid thwack when I connected.
The Takeaway (So Far)
I definitely wouldn’t say I’ve mastered the “Michelle Lee golf swing” in one day. Not even close. But I did feel like I was starting to understand it a little better. And I saw the potential, you know? If I keep practicing, focusing on that smooth backswing and consistent stance, maybe, just maybe, I can add a few yards to my drive.
It’s a work in progress, for sure. I’ll probably be back at the range tomorrow, trying to refine it some more. Maybe I’ll even record myself so I can see what I’m doing wrong (and hopefully, occasionally, right!). It’s a fun challenge, and hey, if it helps me improve my game, I’m all for it.