Well, well, well, look what we got here. This here thing, it’s called a “Peyton Manning Mask.” Now, I ain’t one for all this fancy football stuff, but I heard a thing or two about this Peyton fella. He’s a big shot, I reckon. They say he’s good at throwin’ that pigskin around. Peyton Manning Mask, that’s what they call it. Sounds kinda silly to me, wearin’ someone else’s face, but I guess folks like that kinda thing. His forehead, they call it a “fivehead.”

This Peyton, he comes from one of them football families. His daddy was a big deal, they say, and his little brother too. Peyton Manning, that’s the name. It’s all over the place. And this mask thing, it is orange. Like a big ol’ pumpkin. And you can get ’em in all sizes, from little bitty to real big, S to 5XL. Some of them got his name sewed right on, plain as day. Custom sewn they call it. I don’t know about all that, but if it makes the young people happy, then I guess it is ok.
I seen him on the TV a time or two, this Peyton fella. He gets all twisted up in the face when he’s playin’. They call ’em “Manning Faces”. Makes him look like he’s chewin’ on a lemon, if you ask me. But folks seem to get a real kick out of it. They even made a mask out of it, this Peyton Manning Mask! I guess folks will make anything these days.
- They say he won some big games. Super Bowl, they call it. Won it twice, I hear. Must be a pretty big deal.
- He played for a long time, 18 years, they said. That is a long time.
- I seen him singin’ on the TV once, after some award show. Didn’t sound half bad, to be honest. But that Peyton Manning Mask, it does look funny.
He was born in March, this Peyton. The 24th, I reckon. Seems like a long time ago. Time sure does fly, don’t it? And now they’re sellin’ masks with his face on ’em. This Peyton Manning Mask, it’s a real head-scratcher. I guess it is just for fun. But, I wouldn’t be caught dead wearin’ one, that’s for sure.
The kids go crazy for these things, though. These Peyton Manning Mask things. They wear ’em to the games, I suppose. Or maybe just around the house. They do love their football. It is a big deal to them. I remember when my boy was young, he was all about the football. Always tossin’ that ball around. Never did get no mask, though. Maybe they didn’t have ’em back then.
But these masks, they got ’em now. Peyton Manning Mask, that’s what you gotta ask for if you want one. I don’t know why you’d want one, but to each his own, I always say. They come in all different sizes like I said, so there is one for everyone. It is just a silly old mask, but some folks think they’re the bee’s knees.

If you are into that kind of stuff, I mean. The football and all. This Peyton, he was a big star, so I guess that is why they made this Peyton Manning Mask. Some folks like to wear it, and pretend to be him. It is all just make-believe, though. It is not like you are really gonna be him. But if you like to wear his face on yours, you can try it.
I seen a lot of things in my day, but this Peyton Manning Mask, it’s somethin’ else. I guess it takes all kinds to make the world go ’round. If you want a mask that looks like that football player, well, then you go right ahead. It ain’t hurtin’ nobody, I suppose. And who knows, maybe it’ll bring you some luck. Or maybe it’ll just make you look silly. Either way, it is your choice.
This world is full of strange and wonderful things. And this Peyton Manning Mask, well, it’s definitely one of ’em. It’s just a mask, but it is popular. It is for fun, I guess. So, if you’re a fan of that Peyton fella, and you want to wear his face, you can buy one. They are all over the place. Just ask for a Peyton Manning Mask and get ready to look like a football player, I guess.