Okay, so I’ve been diving into this whole “Mormon basketball players” thing, and let me tell you, it’s been a bit of a rabbit hole. Here’s how it all went down:

First, I got curious. I’d heard whispers, seen a few names pop up, and I was like, “Is this a thing? Are there actually a bunch of Mormon basketball players out there?” So, I started with a simple search. You know, just typed in “Mormon basketball players” and hit enter.
The Initial Search
I was presented with a lot articles, so I scrolled through, quickly scanning the different websites and article titles.
Digging Deeper
I opened a few of the articles that interested me.
I quickly skimming through the articles. and I began to compile a list.
Filtering and Verifying
Now, with a list, I’m going to verify everything.

After some quick verification on multiple sites I narrowed down to the players that I can comfirm.
My Takeaway
So yeah, it’s definitely a thing. There are Mormon basketball players out there, and some of them are pretty darn good. It was cool to see how their faith and their sport sometimes intersect. This whole search thing? Totally worth it. Now I’ve got a bunch of new players to keep an eye on.