Okay, so I was digging around the internet today, trying to find out how much money this guy Mike Young makes. You know, just curious. Here’s how it went down:

The Hunt Begins
First, I just went straight to Google. Typed in “Mike Young salary”. I mean, that’s the obvious first step, right?
Sifting Through the Results
I got a bunch of stuff, but not all of it was useful. I was skimming through, I saw a few articles.
I spent, I don’t know, maybe 20 minutes just clicking around, trying to get a solid number. It’s kinda frustrating when you can’t find a straight answer, you know?
Putting It All Together
Eventually, I found two articles with different num from various sources and stuff, I’m pretty sure I got a decent idea of the range.

This whole thing took me, like, a good hour, maybe a bit more. Mostly because I kept getting sidetracked reading other related stuff. But hey, that’s the internet for you, always something shiny to catch your eye.