Okay, so today I decided to dive into something completely new – trying to predict Mariano Navone’s performance. I’ve been seeing his name pop up more and more, and figured it was time to get a handle on what he’s all about. It started pretty simply, actually.

First, I just started gathering information. You know, the basic stuff. I opened up a bunch of browser tabs and started looking at recent match results, any news articles I could find, and his overall ranking history. Just trying to get a feel for his recent form and any patterns I could spot.
Then, I spent time watching some of his matches. I figured just looking at scores wouldn’t tell the whole story. I wanted to see his playing style, how he handled pressure, and what his strengths and weaknesses looked like in action. It was a lot of fast-forwarding, rewinding, and pausing to really focus on specific points.
After, it was time to bring up some statistics.
- His win/loss ratio on different surfaces.
- His performance against higher-ranked opponents.
- Any recent winning or losing streaks.
It wasn’t anything super fancy, just using the basic info that most tennis sites provide, and organizing it to see if anything jumped out.
Formulating the actual prediction
This was the tricky part. Based on everything, I tried to come up with a reasonable expectation for his next match. No magic formulas here, just looking at his recent form, his opponent’s strengths, and trying to factor in any potential “X-factors” like injuries or home-court advantage.

Finally, I wrote it all down! Not in a formal way, just my thoughts and what I thought was most likely to happen, along with some alternative scenarios. Honestly, it felt more like making an educated guess than a scientific prediction.
The whole process was pretty informal and messy, more about getting a feel for things than creating a perfect prediction model. We’ll see how it all pans out!