Today, I got this idea to figure out how to convert speeds in little league baseball, specifically between different age groups. You know, it’s not always apples to apples when you’re looking at pitch speeds for different ages.
So, I started by doing a bit of digging online. I read through some articles and found that the average 12-year-old throws between 50 and 55 mph, with some kids hitting up to 70 mph. That’s pretty fast! But it got me thinking, how does that compare to, say, a 10-year-old or a 15-year-old?
My Method
I decided to put together a simple conversion chart. Here’s how I did it:
- Gathered some basic data on average pitch speeds for different age groups. I found that batting cages usually have different speed settings, which was a good starting point.
- Created a table to organize the information. I listed age groups and their corresponding average pitch speeds.
- Used some basic math to figure out conversion factors. For example, if a 12-year-old throws at 55 mph and a 10-year-old throws at 45 mph, I can calculate a rough conversion factor.
What I Found
It turns out that there’s a decent range of speeds, even within the same age group. It’s not just about age; things like physical development, training, and natural ability play a big role. But, generally, older kids throw faster. No surprises there!
I made a neat little chart that shows how speeds compare across different ages. It’s not perfect, but it gives a good ballpark figure (pun intended). For example, if you want to simulate a 12-year-old’s pitch for a 10-year-old, you can adjust the speed accordingly using my chart.
This whole thing was pretty fun and a good learning experience. It showed me that there’s a lot that goes into understanding baseball, even something as seemingly simple as pitch speed. Plus, it gave me a greater appreciation for those young players who can really bring the heat!
So, if you’re a coach, a parent, or just a baseball fan, I hope this little project of mine helps you out. It’s a simple way to get a better sense of how pitch speeds vary across different age groups in little league. Remember, it’s all about having fun and enjoying the game!
And there you have it! That’s how I spent my day geeking out on baseball stats. Hopefully, this wasn’t too boring, and maybe you even learned something new. Catch you later!