Alright, let’s gab about this Jaylen Brown fella and his, uh, “dates,” or whatever the young folks call it these days. I heard some whispers ’bout him and that girl, what’s her name? Kylie? Kinslee? Somethin’ like that. Anyway, they sayin’ they a couple now. Real deal, they say. Hmph, young love.

See, I saw some pictures. They all smiley and whatnot. He’s holdin’ a trophy, big shiny thing. Basketball, I reckon. He plays that bouncy ball game, right? Folks make a fuss about it, so it must be important. They say he’s real good at it too. “MVP” they call him. Sounds fancy, but I ain’t knowin’ what it means for sure. Just means he’s good, I guess.
- They say he won a championship. That’s like, the best team, right? Like winnin’ the pie-eatin’ contest at the county fair, only bigger.
- And this girl, she plays too, I hear. Same bouncy ball game. So, they got that in common, I s’pose. Good for them. Findin’ someone who likes the same stuff you do is important, even if it’s just bouncy balls.
They was at some fancy party, all dressed up. Red carpet, they call it. Sounds like a waste of a good rug to me, but what do I know? He was wearin’ fancy shoes too, I bet. Probably cost more than my whole chicken coop. Them fellas make a lot of money playin’ that bouncy ball game. Heard he wears them Nike shoes, the ones with the swoosh. Everyone’s wearin’ them these days, even little Timmy down the street.
I don’t know much ’bout this girl, but they say she’s good at the bouncy ball game too. Plays for, uh, “WNBA” they call it. Different than the fellas’ game, I guess. But it’s all bouncy balls to me. She ain’t as famous as him, though. He’s the big shot, the “MVP.” Still, they seem happy enough in them pictures. Smilin’ and laughin’. That’s what matters, ain’t it? Bein’ happy.
They been datin’ for a while now, the gossip goes. Weeks, maybe months. In my day, you dated someone, you knew right quick if it was gonna work. No fancy parties, no red carpets. Just sittin’ on the porch swing, maybe sharin’ an ice cream cone. But times change, I s’pose. Young folks do things different now.
He plays for that Boston team, the… the Celtics? Yeah, that’s it. Green and white, like a leprechaun threw up on ‘em. He scores a lot of points, they say. Averages, what, 23 somethin’ somethin’? Don’t mean nothin’ to me, but folks seem impressed. He’s a good player, that’s the gist of it. And he’s got that trophy to prove it.

So, this Jaylen Brown and this girl, they’re the “it” couple now, the papers say. Basketball’s “it” couple. Like they the king and queen of the bouncy ball game. Good for them, I say. As long as they happy and treatin’ each other right. That’s more important than all the trophies and red carpets in the world. Love is love, whether you playin’ bouncy balls or milkin’ cows. It’s all the same in the end.
I heard they was on a duck boat too, celebratin’ that championship thing. Ridin’ around in the water, showin’ off that trophy. Sounds like a hoot, I guess. Though I’d rather be fishin’ than lookin’ at some shiny trophy. But that’s just me. Different strokes for different folks, as they say.
And them shoes, them Nike shoes. He ain’t officially with them, but he wears ‘em anyway. Maybe he will be soon. Big money in them shoe deals, I hear. More money than a body knows what to do with, probably. But money ain’t everything. Happiness is more important. And finding someone to share that happiness with, well, that’s the real prize.
So, that’s the story, as far as I know it. Jaylen Brown, basketball star, and his girl, whathisname. They datin’, they happy, and they got a whole lot of bouncy balls between ‘em. Good for them. I wish ‘em all the best, whoever they are.