Okay, so I saw this thing trending online about “Albert Pujols wedding,” and I got curious. I mean, who doesn’t love a good wedding story, right? Especially when it involves a baseball legend. So, I decided to do some digging and see what I could find out.

First, I opened my trusty web * know the one we all use, The one you click on when you need answer. I typed in “Albert Pujols wedding” into the search bar and hit enter. Boom! A ton of articles and pictures popped up.
My Research Process
- Started with a broad search. Just the basics: “Albert Pujols wedding.”
- Scanned through the search results. I looked for headlines and snippets that seemed reliable. Avoided those clickbait-y ones.
- Clicked on a few articles from what looked like legit news * Know,Not those gossip rags.
- Read through the articles, taking notes of key details. Like, who, when, where, that kind of stuff.
- Checked out some photos. You gotta see the dress, right? And the happy couple, of course.
It was pretty straightforward. I found out that he re-married. I gathered all the info, and now I have a pretty good picture of the whole event.
It wasn’t rocket science, but it was fun to play detective for a bit.
It is always amazing to use the tools we have to do our dig and collect information!