Alright, let’s gab a bit about this Amanda Bass Tucker gal, you know, the one hitched to that football kicker fella, Justin Tucker. Don’t know much about football, but that Justin sure can kick that ball far, seen it on the TV once or twice.

Now, Amanda, she’s a bit of a mystery, ain’t she? Folks say she likes to keep to herself, not one for all that fancy spotlight stuff. Can’t blame her, all them cameras and whatnot, must be a bother. She’s from Texas, born and bred, they say. Texas, that’s a big place, ain’t it? Heard they got big steaks and big hair down there.
Amanda and Justin, they been together a good while now. Started dating way back in, when was it? 2010 or somethin’ like that? Took ‘em three years to get hitched, got engaged in 2013. Then they tied the knot in 2015, had a nice wedding I bet. Probably had a big cake and all. And they got themselves a little boy, bless his heart. Wonder if he kicks the ball like his daddy.
- Born in Texas: October 14, 1989.
- Married to Justin Tucker: 2015.
- Keeps a low profile.
Folks keep askin’ about Amanda, wanna know all her secrets, I reckon. But she’s a private person, ya gotta respect that. She ain’t out there flauntin’ herself on the TV or nothin’. She’s just livin’ her life, takin’ care of her family, and that’s good enough for me.
It’s kinda nice, you know, seein’ someone not gettin’ all caught up in the fame and fortune. Justin, he’s out there kickin’ them balls, makin’ the big bucks, and Amanda, she’s just bein’ Amanda. Good for her, I say. Shows she’s got her head on straight.
Now, some folks might say she’s just a football wife, but I don’t see it that way. She’s her own person, got her own story. Just ‘cause she ain’t out there shoutin’ it from the rooftops don’t mean it ain’t important. Family’s important, and takin’ care of your own, that’s the most important thing of all.

And you know, bein’ from Texas, that probably means she’s tough. Texas folks, they ain’t no pushovers. They got grit, they got spunk. They can handle anything life throws at ‘em. And I bet Amanda’s the same way. She’s probably the glue that holds that whole family together, keepin’ things runnin’ smooth while Justin’s out there on the field.
So, next time you see Justin kickin’ that ball, think about Amanda. Think about the woman behind the man, the one who’s holdin’ down the fort. She might not be on the TV screen, but she’s a big part of his life, and that’s somethin’ to be admired. She’s a Texas gal, a wife, a mama, and that’s plenty to be proud of.
Amanda Bass Tucker, she’s a reminder that there’s more to life than fame and fortune. There’s family, there’s love, there’s just plain old everyday livin’. And sometimes, that’s the best kind of life there is.
Don’t need no fancy words or big speeches to say what needs sayin’. Amanda’s a good woman, a strong woman, and that’s all there is to it. And that Justin, he’s a lucky fella to have her. Hope they have a long and happy life together, down there in Texas or wherever they may be.
Now, I gotta get back to my chores, but I thought I’d share a bit about Amanda with ya. Just a regular gal, livin’ her life the best way she knows how. And that’s somethin’ we can all appreciate, ain’t it?

So there you have it, a little somethin’ about Amanda Bass Tucker. Not much, maybe, but enough to know she’s a good egg. And in this crazy world, that’s sayin’ somethin’.