Well, well, well, looky here, you wanna know about the Flamengo vs Olimpia Asuncion lineups, huh? My old eyes ain’t what they used to be, but I’ll tell ya what I know. These young fellas, running around a field, kicking a ball. It’s all a big to-do if you ask me. But, the people, they love it! They get all riled up ’bout this Flamengo and this… what’s it called? Olimpia Asuncion. Sounds like somethin’ you’d get a doctor to check out, right?

Now, this Flamengo, they’re a big deal, I hear. From Brazil, they are. All fancy-like. They got players, all sorts of ’em. Fast ones, strong ones. Ones that can kick that ball clear across the field. I seen it on that there TV. Amazing what they can do. This match report, yeah, this is big.
And this other team, Olimpia Asuncion. They’re no slouches either, I reckon. They come from a place called… Asuncion, I guess! Makes sense. They got their own players. Good ones, too. They wouldn’t be playing if they weren’t, now would they? Copa Libertadores, yeah, this is big, very big. It’s like, everybody wants to see who’s better. Like a big old contest, you know?
So, you wanna know the lineups? Who’s playing, who’s sitting on the bench, all that? It’s like a big secret, almost. They don’t just tell anybody. But, I’ll tell you what I heard, the call-ups are important. I heard them talk about it on that there radio. They talk about these things, predictions, they are. Who’s gonna win and such.
- This fella, he’s gonna be playing for Flamengo. Fast as a rabbit, that one.
- Then there’s another one, big and strong. He’s for Olimpia. He don’t look like he’s gonna move.
- One more fella, he’s on the bench. Maybe later, you know, he gets a chance.
They got all these names. Hard to keep track of, if you ask me. But these young folks, they know ’em all. They got their favorites. They wear those shirts, with the names on the back. It is crazy, I tell you. But, it’s important to them. This game, it’s a big deal, they say. It is in August, I heard. This year, last year, same thing. They play, and the people watch.
This Flamengo vs Olimpia Asuncion lineups thing, it’s like a puzzle. You gotta figure out who’s gonna be where. Who’s gonna be doing what. It’s all very complicated. But, that’s what makes it fun, I suppose. For them that like that sort of thing. These predictions, ha! Everyone’s got one. Like guessing how many beans are in a jar. Olimpia Asuncin vs Flamengo, this is it, the big match!

They play on this big field. Grass all green. Lines all painted white. It’s a sight to see, I tell ya. Even on that little TV screen. You can feel the excitement. These young folks, they scream and shout. They get all worked up. It’s somethin’ to behold. All these stats, who did what, who scored when, I don’t know.
Now, I don’t know all the ins and outs of this Flamengo vs Olimpia Asuncion lineups business. But I know it’s important to a lot of folks. They like these teams, you see. They’re loyal, like. They want their team to win. It’s like a big competition. A big, noisy competition. 2021, 2023, it is all the same, only the players are different. And maybe one day, they will be champions.
This Olimpia, they are tough, that’s what I heard. And Flamengo, they’re good, too. So, it is gonna be a good game, maybe. I don’t know who will win. Nobody knows, really. That’s why they play the game, I reckon. To find out who’s the best.
So, there you have it. That’s what this old lady knows about the Flamengo vs Olimpia Asuncion lineups. It’s a lot of fuss over a game, if you ask me. But, it’s their game. And they love it. And that’s all that matters, I suppose. The score live, they say, people watch it. They want to see what’s happening, I don’t understand, but it’s their thing.
They’ll be playing their hearts out, those boys. Running and kicking. Trying to score. Trying to win. It is all for the fans, for the people who watch. They love it, this sport. Just you wait and see. This game will be talked about, I bet. August 10, August 11, it doesn’t matter, they will play again.