Alright, alright, let’s talk about this here Theatrhythm Final Bar Line trophy guide, or whatever them fancy folks call it. You young’uns and your video games, always wantin’ to get every last little shiny thing, eh? Well, Granny’s here to tell ya how to get them trophies, even if I don’t understand half of it.

First off, they tell me there’s a whole bunch of ’em, like 42 or somethin’. That’s a lot of trophies! More than I got in my whole dang china cabinet, I tell ya. Some are bronze, some are silver, and I guess some are gold, like them fancy teeth the dentist tried to sell me once. Don’t you worry, though, we’ll get through this together, even if it takes all day.
Now, the first thing they say you gotta do is clear a “series title.” Sounds important, like winnin’ a blue ribbon at the county fair. I guess it means you gotta beat some levels or somethin’, I don’t know. They call it “In Pursuit of Harmony.” Sounds kinda peaceful, like hummin’ a hymn on a Sunday mornin’. You just gotta play the game and follow the music, I reckon. That’ll get you one trophy right there, easy peasy.
Then there’s a whole bunch more, like playin’ different songs and gettin’ good scores. They call it “Full Chain” this and “Critical Hit” that. Sounds like a whole lotta fuss to me, but you youngsters seem to like it. Just tap them buttons and follow the rhythm, I guess. That’s what my grandson does, and he seems to know what he’s doin’. He’s always yellin’ about “perfect criticals” and “ rainbow streaks”, whatever that means. Sounds like a whole lotta hogwash to me.
- Collectin’ stuff: Seems like you gotta collect all sorts of things, like cards and characters. It’s like collectin’ stamps or them little thimbles my sister used to have, only digital. They call it “Quest Completionist” and stuff like that. You gotta play a bunch of different modes and complete a bunch of different challenges, I guess. Just keep at it, and you’ll get there eventually. It’s like churnin’ butter, it takes a while but you get there in the end. Just keep on churnin’ them buttons I guess. Heh, churnin’ buttons. That’s a good one.
- Playin’ with others: They tell me you can play with other folks online, too. Sounds like a hootenanny, but with video games. You gotta play different modes with other players, and I guess you gotta win or somethin’. They call it “Multiplayer Master” and stuff like that. Just be nice to the other players, even if they’re not very good. Remember what your granny always says: “Treat others as you want them to treat you, even them city folk who drive too fast down our dirt roads.” It don’t hurt to be polite now, does it?
- Mastering the game: And then there’s the really hard stuff, like gettin’ perfect scores on all the songs and unlockin’ all the secrets. They call it “Rhythmic Ruler” and “Ultimate Collector” and all sorts of fancy names. That’s gonna take a lot of practice, I tell ya. Like learnin’ to make a perfect apple pie, you gotta do it over and over again until you get it just right. And sometimes that pie still comes out a bit burnt, but that’s okay, some folks like a little char on their crust, you know? Same with the game I guess, just gotta keep playin’ until you got it all figured out. That’s what my grandson tells me at least.
Now, I don’t know all the fancy details about each and every trophy. You can go look that up on them “PSNProfiles” or whatever they call ’em. They got all the information you need, all them numbers and percentages and whatnot. It’s like lookin’ at a seed catalog, all them words and pictures, makes my head spin. But if you follow these general tips, you’ll be well on your way to gettin’ all them trophies and becomin’ a Theatrhythm Final Bar Line master, whatever that means.
Just remember to have fun, and don’t get too frustrated if you can’t get somethin’ right away. It’s just a game, after all. Not like plantin’ a garden, where if you don’t do it right you don’t eat all winter. This here is just for fun. And if you get stuck, just ask your grandson, he probably knows more about it than I do. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go make some supper. All this talk about games has made me hungry.

So there you have it, a good ol’ fashioned guide, from yours truly. Now go on and get them trophies! And don’t forget to come visit your granny sometimes, ya hear?
Tags: Theatrhythm Final Bar Line, Trophy Guide, PS4, PS5, Music Game, Rhythm Game, Square Enix, Final Fantasy, Collectibles, Multiplayer, Platinum Trophy