Okay, so yesterday I finally decided to track down all those Walking Mausoleums in Elden Ring. I’d found a few just by wandering around, but I knew there were more, and I really wanted to duplicate some Remembrances for those sweet boss weapons. Let’s do it!

Getting Started
First, I pulled up the Elden Ring wiki, just to get a general idea of how many Mausoleums there were and roughly where to look. I didn’t want to follow a step-by-step guide immediately, because exploration is half the fun, right? I learned there are 7 of them, that all.
The Hunt Begins
I started with the ones I already knew. There was one in the Weeping Peninsula, pretty easy to spot. I remembered taking that one down – you just whack the white skull-stuff on its legs, and down it goes. Same with the one near the Minor Erdtree in Liurnia of the Lakes. That one was chill.
Then things got a little trickier. I fast-traveled to the Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel Site of Grace and headed southeast. There’s two of them together, you see, but to get access to them, you’ll need to use the spiritspring to the east to get on top of the ruin and go down the hole. I needed use spiritspring jump with Torrent. Then clean skulls on its legs.
High-Level Zones… Yikes
The real challenge came with the ones in the later-game areas. I rode up to the Consecrated Snowfield. I headed to the west of the Apostate Derelict grace and saw one, the last. These guys shoot magic, and it is annoying as hell. You needed to sneak a little bit and find a way to jump on them. The best way is to use nearby stones or roots to get height advantage. Cleaning the skulls on the top of the mausoleum is the only way to deal with it!
The Deeproot Depths
I fast-traveled to “The Nameless Eternal City” Site of Grace. North of that, I found another Mausoleum, not too hard to get to, not too hard to get down. I just had to do the same thing to take it down. It’s simple!

Finally get all of them!
The last one to get there was at Moonlight Alter. It’s near the Cathedral of Manus Celes. I fast-traveled to the Cathedral of Manus Celes and rode to the northeast. Be careful, there are a lot of Glintstone meteors falling.
- Weeping Peninsula: Easy, near the Isolated Merchant’s Shack.
- Liurnia of the Lakes: There are 3 of them. One is near the Minor Erdtree, two of them are near the Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel Site of Grace.
- Deeproot Depths: Near “The Nameless Eternal City” Site of Grace.
- Consecrated Snowfield: west of the Apostate Derelict grace.
- Moonlight Alter: northeast of the Cathedral of Manus Celes.
It took a few hours, some frustrating deaths, and a lot of dodging, but I finally got them all. Now I can duplicate all the Remembrances I need! Time to get those weapons, and I’m feeling pretty good about it. That’s all for today!