Okay, so the other day I was wondering about what to wear for a round of golf. Specifically, I was thinking, “Can I get away with wearing sports shorts?” I mean, I know golf has all these fancy rules about what you can and can’t wear, but it was hot out, and I really didn’t feel like sweating it out in long pants.

So, I started digging around to see what the deal was. Turns out, most places are pretty chill about shorts these days, especially for us amateurs. No official rule says you gotta wear trousers. But there are a few things to keep in mind.
- First, you can’t just wear any old shorts. I found out that sweatpants, running shorts, you know, the ones with the drawstrings, those are mostly a no-go. Gotta have those belt loops, which I guess makes them look a little more, I don’t know, “golf-y.”
- Then there’s the length. I tried on a few pairs and figured out that they should come down to just above your kneecaps. Not too short, not too long.
I have a few pairs of those cargo shorts, you know the ones with like a million pockets. While they technically fit the bill, length-wise and having belt loops, they felt a bit too casual. I decided to play it safe and grabbed a pair of my plain khaki shorts instead. I made sure to tuck in my shirt and throw on a belt, just to look a bit more presentable.
Also, I learned that some golf courses are stricter than others. Before I left home, I checked the website of the course I was playing, just to make sure they didn’t have some super strict dress code. Didn’t want to get turned away at the gate!
When I got to the course, I saw a bunch of other guys in shorts, so I felt pretty good about my choice. Some of them were definitely pushing the limits with the whole “athletic” look, but hey, as long as they weren’t causing trouble, who cares, right?
I ended up having a great round of golf, and I was definitely glad I wore shorts. Stayed cool and comfortable the whole time. So, yeah, if you’re thinking about wearing shorts for golf, I’d say go for it, just make sure you follow those basic guidelines.

My Two Cents
I think golf is getting a lot more relaxed these days, which is awesome. But it’s always a good idea to show a little respect for the game and the course you’re playing. So, keep it somewhat classy, you know? And, if you are in doubt, check the course’s website or give them a call. They are probably used to people asking about this stuff.