Well, howdy there, y’all! Let’s gab a bit about this fella, Brock Lesnar. Heard he got himself all banged up, ain’t that a shame?

Brock Lesnar, that big ol’ fella, got himself hurt. Yeah, you heard that right. Wrestlin’ ain’t for the faint of heart, I tell ya. It’s rough and tumble, and even the toughest guys get a lickin’ sometimes.
They say it happened durin’ a match with Cody somethin’-or-other. Now, I ain’t watched much wrestlin’ lately, my eyes ain’t what they used to be, but I remember Brock. He’s a beast, that one. Always was. But even beasts can get hurt, seems like.
- He’s a big dude, ain’t he? Muscles everywhere.
- Always stompin’ around, lookin’ all mean.
- But tough as he is, wrestlin’ takes its toll.
This Cody fella, he must be somethin’ special to take down Brock. Or maybe Brock just got unlucky. Happens to the best of ’em, I reckon. One minute you’re on top of the world, the next you’re nursin’ a sore somethin’-or-other.
Folks are sayin’ he got hurt early on in the match. Can you believe that? Early on! That just goes to show ya, wrestlin’ ain’t no joke. These fellas put their bodies on the line, every single time. They jump and they fall and they get thrown around like rag dolls. It’s a wonder they ain’t all broke up by now.
This ain’t the first time Brock’s been hurt, though. I heard tell he had some trouble with his innards a while back. Somethin’ about his colon, they said. Sounded mighty painful to me. Had to get a whole foot of it taken out, can you imagine? A whole foot! That’s like takin’ out a whole sausage, near ’bout.

He lost weight and strength, they say. Well, I reckon that’ll happen when you got a whole foot of your insides missin’. But he bounced back, that Brock did. He’s a tough one, I’ll give him that. But this new injury, well, that’s got folks talkin’ again.
They sayin’ he’s “AWOL” now, whatever that means. Sounds like he’s gone missin’, or somethin’. And his stuff, his shirts and hats and all that, ain’t sellin’ no more. Gatherin’ dust, they say. Poor fella.
There’s also some talk about some trouble with that Vince fella, the one who runs the whole wrestlin’ show. Somethin’ about a lawsuit and bad business. I don’t know all the details, mind you, but it sounds like a whole heap of trouble. Maybe that’s why Brock’s gone missin’. Maybe he just needed a break from all the drama.
- Wrestlin’ is tough on the body.
- Brock’s been hurt before.
- He’s missin’ now, and his stuff ain’t sellin’.
- There’s some trouble with the boss man.
Anyways, I hope Brock gets himself fixed up, whatever’s ailin’ him. He’s a good wrestler, even if he is a bit of a brute. And I hope he gets all this other trouble sorted out too. It ain’t right for a fella to be hurt and havin’ problems all at the same time.
Now, I gotta go make myself some supper. All this talk about wrestlin’ and hurtin’ has made me hungry. Y’all take care now, and remember to be kind to each other. Life’s too short to be fightin’ and fussin’ all the time. Unless you’re gettin’ paid for it, like Brock. Then, I guess, it’s just part of the job.

So, that’s the story on Brock Lesnar gettin’ hurt. Hope he gets better soon. The wrestlin’ world ain’t the same without that big ol’ fella stompin’ around.
Tags: [Brock Lesnar, Injury, Wrestling, Cody Rhodes, WWE, Vince McMahon]