Well, that new guy, Neuvillette, he’s comin’ to that game, what’s it called… Genshin somethin’. Genshin Impact, yeah, that’s the one. Heard he’s a strong one, uses water to fight, they say. My grandson, he’s all excited, been talkin’ ’bout it for days. Says he’s gonna “prefarm” for him. Whatever that means. Sounds like a lotta work, if ya ask me. But these young folks and their games, always needin’ to collect things and make their characters stronger.

This Neuvillette, he’s gonna be in that game on September 27th, 2023, that is what I heard. So if you want him, ya gotta be ready, I guess. My grandson, bless his heart, he’s been runnin’ around in that game, fightin’ those water monsters. He says you gotta beat them to get some kinda blue stones. Varunada somethin’ stones, I think he said. Sounds like a mouthful. He’s been fightin’ that big water bird thing, the Oceanid, and some kinda water cube, too. Says he needs a whole bunch of them blue stones to make Neuvillette strong, like level 90 strong.
And that ain’t all. He says there’s other things you need, too. These things called “Transoceanic” somethin’s. Transoceanic Pearl, Transoceanic Chunk, and Xenochromatic Crystal. He’s been killin’ those underwater creatures to get ’em. Gotta kill a lot of them, I reckon. Seems like a lot of fightin’ just to get one character, but what do I know?
Oh, and he keeps goin’ on about Neuvillette‘s “talents.” Sounds fancy. Says you gotta level those up, too. And for that, ya need books. Teachings of Equity, Guide to Equity, Philosophies of Equity. He’s been doin’ somethin’ called “domains” on Monday, Thursday, and Sunday to get those. Says you can find them in the place called Fontaine. This whole Genshin Impact Neuvillette prefarm is very complicated. He is always busy with Neuvillette Impact.
- Varunada Lazurite Sliver – 1
- Varunada Lazurite Fragment – 9
- Varunada Lazurite Chunk – 9
- Varunada Lazurite Gemstone – 6
And then, there’s this other thing, somethin’ about a “world boss.” A big, mean monster, he says. It called Millennial Pearl Seahorse. That you gotta fight that one to get somethin’ called “Fontemer Horn” for Neuvillette. And it takes some kinda special energy to fight it, he says. Original Resin, I think he called it. You only get so much of that energy each day, so he’s been savin’ it up. Kids these days, they sure do plan ahead for these things. I only know it is important for this Neuvillette prefarm.
Now this is what he told me to write down, so listen up, here are the numbers:

- Transoceanic Pearl – 36
- Transoceanic Chunk – 96
- Xenochromatic Crystal – 129
- Teachings of Equity – 9
- Guide to Equity – 63
- Philosophies of Equity – 114
- Fontemer Horn – 46
- Crown of Insight – 3
He also said something about Neuvillette is good in those “Taser teams” in this Genshin Impact game. Says you put him with characters that use electricity and wind with the water, and it makes a lot of sparks and hurts the bad guys real good. This Neuvillette Impact is a big thing. He says the best electricity characters are good for standin’ in the back and helpin’ Neuvillette while he’s doin’ his water attacks.
This boy, he says Neuvillette‘s best attack is his strong water punch, his charged attack. Says you gotta make that one the strongest first, and then work on his other attacks later. It’s all about makin’ him hit harder, I guess. That is the most important in this Neuvillette prefarm.
He also mentioned about “substats” for Neuvillette, I don’t know what that means, it is about this Genshin Impact, I think. Something about making him even more powerful. These kids and their games, they got all these special words for things.
And then, ya need a whole heap of that money they use in the game. Mora, he calls it. Millions of it, he says. Just to make Neuvillette as strong as he can be. It’s a wonder they don’t just use real money, would probably be easier, hah!
So, yeah, that’s what I know about this whole Neuvillette prefarm thing. Sounds like a lot of work to me. But if you’re into that Genshin Impact game, and you want that Neuvillette character, well, you better get to it. There’s a lot to do before he comes out on September 27th. Just remember what my grandson said: fight them water monsters, get them blue stones, get them Transoceanic things, get them books, beat that world boss thing for the horn, and get a whole lotta Mora. And that’s how you “prefarm” for Neuvillette, I guess. Good luck with all that, you young’uns!