Okay, so today I wanted to figure out who the “best golfer without a major” is. It’s one of those fun sports debates, right? Like, who’s the best player who almost always wins, but just can’t seem to snag that big one?

First, I started by just brainstorming. I jotted down names that popped into my head – guys I always see on the leaderboard but never seem to see holding the trophy at the end of a major.
Then, I hit the internet. I figured there had to be some lists already out there, and yep, I was right. I found a bunch of articles and forum discussions about this very topic. I started compiling a master list from all these different sources.
Digging Deeper
It wasn’t enough just to have names, though. I wanted some stats to back it up. So, I started looking up each player’s career stats – things like:
- Total PGA Tour wins
- Top 10 finishes in majors
- World Golf Ranking (both current and peak)
- How many times they finished, like, really close – like second or third place in a major.
Man, that was a lot of data! I spent a good chunk of time just clicking through player profiles and writing down numbers. I had spreadsheets going, notes everywhere… it was a beautiful mess.
My Conclusion
After all that digging, a few names kept popping up. It became pretty clear who the top contenders for this “title” were. It’s tough to pick just one, and honestly, it’s all subjective, But, based on my little research project today, it seems most of people would agree on one person.