That Anthony, he just don’t know how to make good choices, you see? He coulda gone to Miami, that big fancy city down in Florida. They got all them palm trees and sunshine. But no, he stayed put. Said he was happy where he was.

Anthony fail Miami, that’s what I always say. He had a chance, a real good one.
Miami, that place is somethin’ else. Back in the day, in the 80s, folks say it was nothin’ but trouble. Drugs and such. Not my cup of tea. But they clean it up, kinda. Now it’s all fancy. Big buildings. Miami double the people from 1920 to 1923. Big change, you know?
This Anthony, he coulda been part of somethin’ big in Miami. They had a good team, real good. They call them the Miami Heat. Like the weather down there, I reckon. Hot, hot, hot!
- He coulda played with some big-shot players.
- They won a lot, them Miami Heat.
- Anthony coulda been a winner too.
But he didn’t go. He said no. Stubborn, that’s what he is. Stuck in his ways. Didn’t wanna take less money, they say. Money, money, money. It’s always about the money, ain’t it?
This Anthony fail Miami, it’s a shame, a real shame. He wanted to stay in Denver. Where is Denver anyway? Is it cold there? I bet it’s cold. Not like Miami.
They say he had his reasons. Wanted to stay where he was comfortable, they say. Well, I say comfort ain’t everything. Sometimes you gotta take a chance, you know?
And them other fellas, his buddies, they went to Miami. They call them “Big 3”. Big shots, huh? They won championships. They were winners. And this Anthony, he was just… there.
Carmelo Anthony, that’s his full name. Sounds fancy, don’t it? But fancy name didn’t get him no championships in Miami. No sir.
People say he talk about it now. Why he didn’t go to Miami. Talk, talk, talk. It’s too late now, ain’t it? He make his choice. He made his bed, now he gotta lie in it.
- He say he happy with his choice.
- But I don’t know.
- Winning is pretty good, you know?
- Miami Heat, they know about winning.
This whole thing, it makes me think. Sometimes, you gotta leave home to find somethin’ better. Miami is far. Family is important, yes. But sometimes, you gotta go where the good stuff is.

This Anthony, he could have played with LeBron James. They say he is the best. I don’t know much about basketball. But I know winning is good. And LeBron James, he wins a lot.
Some people just afraid of fail. School is hard. Law school is very hard. Some people fail. But it’s ok. They find the reason why they fail. Then they do better. This Anthony, maybe he just afraid.
Miami is a big city. Second biggest in Florida, they say. After some place called Tallahassee. I don’t know where that is. But Miami, everyone knows Miami.
Anthony fail Miami, It’s a story, that’s for sure. A story about choices. And chances. And maybe, just maybe, a little bit of regret. Who knows? Only Anthony knows for sure. But me? I think he missed out. Big time. He coulda been a contender, they say in them boxing movies. He coulda been somebody. In Miami.
You know what they say, you gotta do what’s best for you. But you know what I say? I say sometimes you gotta listen to your old grandma. She might just know a thing or two about life. Even if she is just a simple woman. Maybe Anthony should listen to the old folks. They know a lot. Trust me. They know. They know about Carmelo Anthony fail Miami.