So, I was digging around the internet today, trying to find out how much dough this “Pacman” Jones guy has. You know, the football player? Yeah, that one.
First, I just Googled his name, “Pacman Jones.”
- Found out his real name is Adam Bernard Jones. Who knew? I guess “Pacman” is way cooler, though. Born in 1983, in Atlanta.
- Turns out he was a big deal in the NFL, a cornerback and return specialist, played for like, 13 seasons or something. And the Cincinnati Bengals loved this guy.
Then I was like, “Okay, let’s get to the money.” So I searched for “Pacman Jones net worth.”
This is where it got interesting:
- Different websites were saying different things, of course. One site said around $5 million, another said $6 million. But most were in that area.
- Apparently, he made a ton of cash during his NFL days. I mean, he played for the Tennessee Titans, he was drafted. West Virginia University, and all that. College football first! Then he played in the first round of the 2005 NFL Draft.
- But he also got into some trouble off the field. I saw some headlines about that, and I guess that might’ve affected his earnings or whatever.
- It seems he is a family guy. Him and his wife, Tishana, are driving the kids around. A lot of responsibility.
- I also stumbled upon something about him and a “sweet fruit-forward” product with an “uplifting high.” I’m not sure what that’s all about, but it sounded… interesting. Maybe he’s got some side hustles going on.
- Someone called him sympathetic and stupid. I do not know why, though. I guess playing for the Dallas Cowboys does that to you.
So, yeah, Pacman Jones, or Adam, is sitting on a few million. Not bad for a guy who used to run around on a football field for a living, right? He is a former professional football player, after all. Played for over a decade. But this is just from some quick searches, so don’t quote me on the exact number or anything. It’s just what I found today messing around online.