Okay, so the other day, I got into this whole crossword puzzle thing. The title of my crossword challenge was “record holder.” I’m not usually into crossword puzzles, but I got sucked in this time. Let me tell you, it was a wild ride from start to finish.

I started by staring at the blank grid, feeling a bit lost, to be honest. I mean, where do you even begin with these things? Then I remembered a tip I read online: tackle the fill-in-the-blanks first. That sounded like a good idea, so I scanned through the clues and looked for those. Those were easier, you know, more common sense stuff. I filled in a few of those, and I started to feel a bit more confident.
Next, I tried to find the clue for “record holder” itself. I read through a bunch of articles and forum discussions online. Seems like there are tons of possible answers. Some websites mentioned 40 possibilities, others said 30. There were even a few crossword solver sites that listed answers with 3 to 11 letters. It was a bit overwhelming.
After looking at the answers, started to feel it was hard to finish. Because there are 5 total answers on some websites. But it was hard to know which one is correct.
I decided to go with the most common answer I saw, which was “SLEEVE” with six letters. It seemed to make sense, right? A sleeve can hold a record, like those old vinyl ones. I carefully filled it in, hoping I was right.
With that major clue solved, I moved on to the rest of the puzzle. Some clues were really tricky, and I spent a good chunk of time just thinking and trying different combinations. Others were easier, and I managed to fill them in quickly.

- I also found out that someone spent like 14.3 full days doing crossword puzzles, which is insane! I definitely didn’t spend that long, but it still took me a while.
It felt like solving a mystery. Every word I filled in was like a small victory. It’s kind of addictive, you know? I can see why people get hooked on these things.
Finally, after a lot of head-scratching and guessing, I finished the whole puzzle! It was such a satisfying feeling. I mean, I actually completed a crossword puzzle titled “record holder”! Who knew I had it in me?
Then, I learned that a person skillful in creating or solving crossword puzzles is called a cruciverbalist, I did not know that before. I guess after today I can call myself a cruciverbalist.
Lessons Learned
- Start with the easy clues, like fill-in-the-blanks.
- Don’t be afraid to look up answers online if you’re stuck.
- Be patient and persistent. It takes time to solve these puzzles.
- Enjoy the process! It’s like a mental workout, and it’s actually pretty fun.
So yeah, that’s my crossword puzzle adventure. It was challenging, but I’m glad I did it. Maybe I’ll try another one soon. Or maybe I’ll just stick to watching TV. Who knows?